Showing posts with label Liza Da Costa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liza Da Costa. Show all posts

Liza Da Costa upset on Hotel Bossa Nova video director

Liza Da Costa ex Captain Jack, posted yesterday on her personal account that she is really upset on the team who suppose to promote, and shoot a video for Hotel BossaNova, the video director refused to release the video because in his opinion is his creation.
 Liza Da Costa for those who don't know who she is... I will make a short biography her dance career started in 94 when she team up with Harris sister for Security project, but international success was with Udo Niebergall and Richard Witte project - Captain Jack. But in 97 she decided to take a different road, and later she formed the actual project - Hotel BossaNova.

Liza Da Costa a new album

Liza da Costa's fans went crazy after they saw the new photos of the singer. The photos were posted on HotelBossanova facebook account and were made as promotion for their new material entitled Desordem e Progresso (Turbulance and Progress).
It's a jazz material and the title refers to the Brazilian National Flag which says Ordem E Progresso.

We wanted to refer to the chaos of ideas before recording an album and then how every chaos becomes organized and focused. You can see it in the album-artwork: There is a 'calm' and a 'turbulent' side. We've released 5 Albums in a row now. Liza was on the cover of three of them. This time we wanted to have something completely different. Do you like it? said the band on FB.
The new album will be out next month and will be find on amazon and other music portals. The first single promoted from the material is entitled Estrada Amarela.

Liza da Costa a new album

Liza da Costa former Captain Jack announced her fans that a new album is on the way,the material is made with her actual project Hotel Bossa Nova.

Liza da Costa was one of the best vocalist of Captain Jack project. Captain Jack, Soldier Soldier, Another one bits the dust, impressed the international artists and one of them was Madonna who used  Captain Jack version of Holiday in one of her world tours.
Liza left Captain Jack in 1998 when she decide to take her own road, but that project remains a sensitive subject who now belongs  to her past. 
2000 was the year of comeback when she release a summer song named Banana Coco  under Virgin records who become a popular cocktail, and used in all professional dance contests.

Liza also denies the collaboration William Shatner - Miss United States.

There's a song on internet Miss United Sates that i never did, right now i'm concentrated over my music project Hotel Bossa Nova that i like so much.  said the singer

Hotel Bossa Nova album will be out later this year, and will  be a combination of Jazz and Salsa. . For more infos

Liza da Costa is Back

She's back and she's hotter then ever and is not scared to show that. I'm talking  of course about ex eurodance vocalist of german project Captain Jack - Liza da Costa.

The singer with latin roots who came in 2013 with a new song called "Liberarbe"(Freedom) made with  her actual music project  Hotel Bossa Nova, and extracted from their album 'Na meia LUZ'.

The video was shoot last summer  in the southwest of Portugal in Alentejo, and produced by Hotel Bossa Nova and Arndt Neckermann

I don't know if the meaning of song has something with the past, but i like what i see, a great singer who's showing not her talent but also her beauty...
The new album "Na meia LUZ" can be found on all digital platforms and can be pre order here  

Hotel Bossa Nova Liberdade 2013 from Isabel Baumann on Vimeo.

Liza Da Costa - What's your secret!?

Invited last week at Musik Kontor Herford Festival with her project Hotel Bossa Nova, Liza looked better then ever and finnally she discovered what  is doing best - Jazz music.
Liza we all know that you are looking amazing and can still break many hearts but when you cange your mind and do a  dance song!?

Liza_Da_Costa & Hotel Bossa Nova

Ex lead singer of Security and Captain Jack , and one of the most beautiful singers from eurodance scene just announced on her Fb account that she recording new songs for the next album - Hotel Bossa Nova

Liza was the face of the eurodance project Captain Jack and always was confused with Ilka-Anna-Antonia Traue the third vocalist of the project. Liza just close the deal with this project in '98 when was replaced by Maloy Lozanes.

About her actual project Hotel Bossa Nova said that is doing what she love the most "Music"! Was not metioned  when will be release the new material but soon will be posted by  the singer on FB.

Alexandra Prince said Yes

The half brazilian & half german singer Alexandra Prince said yes to her boyfriend Simon Ihmig. The event took place last weekend when Alexandra was conquered with a beautiful golden ring.
Alex "shared this event" on her facebook were she posted pics with the new Ms Ihmig.
Profesional speaking Ms Ihmig is very busy with her german project DURSTLƖSCHER, recently released a single called "Durstlƶscher--Der N.D.E. Sound" more infos here

Liza Da Costa Captain Jack lead singer released with her project Hotel Bossanova a new material "Bossonomia" with 11 tracks wrote by Liza in her genre that she loves - jazz more details here.

September released in Canada her 2nd single "Me & My Microphone" from her recent european album "Love CPR".

Linda Rocco is preaparing a new single , the news was posted on her official facebook, the date and what genre will be the future single - we don't know...

Leila K From what i read on scandicpop the eurodance legend Leila K will be back with the new project Wallenberg, the tune is called "Legendary" and Leila will do the raps. The new tune can be found on soundcloud for free, more details here

Brooklyn Bounce are back with a collaboration with King Chronic Miss L entitled Cold Rock A Party, to be released on May 20th. Not really the usual style... The following month, they should release a antoher collaboration, this time with Maurizio Gubellini, entitler Bass, Beats & 5 Seconds. Listen to it here Buy it here (Info Karine Sanche)

Liza Da Costa, Angel City, Dieter Bohlen

HotelBossaNova is the jazz project from ex Captain Jack lead singer Liza da Costa. If you want to see her live here are the tour dates:
07.10.10 Goldbekaus Hamburg
08.10.10 Theaterstubchen Kassel
10.11.10 Kulturcafe Fulda
16.12.10 Walhalla Studio Wiesbaden
17.12.10 Walhalla Studio Wiesbaden
18.12.10 Walhalla Studio Wiesbaden
More infos check Liza's site

Angel City This year another break comes from UK dance project Angel City, Lara McAllen announced that she ends its partnership with producers " because of unkind tretment by the record company" said Lara. During of "Dance Nation Tour" Lara was replace by another vocalist.

Dieter Bohlen said yes to "Germany has talent" producers, Dieter close a new contract for the next season of the show .. Dieter will be in the jury with Sylvie van der Vaart & Bruce Darnell.

Captain Jack, Tim Tim, Toni Cottura, Liza Da Costa

Captain Jack launched a new single called "People like to Party" and will be included on Captain's new material "Back to the Dancefloor" .

Tim Tim Are back !! The euroreggae act from Austria who teach us to sing "Under the mango tree" or to "Sing along Song" both songs climbs in charts on # 1, are back on music scene with a new single called "Here Come The Sunshine", the tune was released on May 24 2010 more infos here.

Toni Cottura and Steve Browarczyk (also a former Fun Factory member) re-created The Underdog Project with Shahin Moshirian. Their single "Summer Jam 2010" was released on July 30th. The project made his appearance last weekend on Ballermann Hits 2010 (Thanks to Eva Sipkova & Karine Sanche)

Liza Da Costa (Ex Captain Jack ) started a tour with her actual project Hotel Bossanova. You can see Liza live in Lichtensteig in Switzerland on August 7th, Schƶnborn  in Germany on August 10, and Flensburg Germany more infos you can find on Hotel Bossanova official website .

Marcia Juell, Kim Leoni, Liza Da Costa

Marcia Juell The new single "Fly Away (Rossko Club Mix)" entred this week at # 20 in Dance Charts , you can support this track by voting here .
Marcia will be on Di.Fm at "Behind the Lyric" this Friday, March 12th (on the Vocal Trance channel) at 11am Pacific/2pm Eastern more infos here.

Kim Leoni's new single will be a cover after Gigi D'Agostino hit "L'amour toujour( Fly with you)".
Kim's says: "It's one of my all time faves and it's just awesome that you'll finally be able to hear it!"

The single will be available soon on itunes and other digital platforms.

Liza Da Costa ex Captain Jack front lady spoke with us about her music projects and about Captain jack project and here it is the interview.

Liza my first question is about your first project Security, what can you tell about that project ?
It was a dancemusic, it was a trio with the Harris sisters and me.
We did not like each other very much. We had lots of problems with our attitudes. Terrible.

You released only 2 tracks with that project ?
2 tracks very more enough.

Do you still keep the contact with Jackie & Tina ?

Did you give voice to other eurodance projects we donā€™t know ?
I sang for Future Breeze (Ocean of eternity), i don't remember much more, I think it's over a decade ago now.

How did you met the producers from Captain Jack ?
I sang in their studio and the asked me to do some songwriting and vocals for a track they were doing, so I did.

Who came with the idea to name the project Captain Jack ?

The song provided us with the bandname, really!!.
Captain was to be a project, but it became successful. Nobody really expected that. more here.

Dj Project, Liza Da Costa, Bad Boys Blue

Dj Project Finally the romanian dance project Dj Project released their new album "In Da Club" in all megastores.
The album was released official in April an has 13 tracks includes the smash hits 'Hotel, Departe de noi & the new single Miracle of love"
The new material can be found here .

Liza Da Costa (former Captain Jack vocalist) released her solo album called "Supresa". The material is made with her band Hotel Bossanova and was released in February, if you love brazilian music for sure you will love this album. More infos here

Bad Boys Blue is choosen the best tracks for their 25 anniversary. You can vote once per a day till 14th July. More here